Maybe that is what Eternal Life is.

The steady pace and regular tapping of feet during a brisk walk is the mantra guaranteed to remedy tangled thoughts and stubborn problems.

At the midpoint of my path, walking Zoe my dog it came to me in a flash: What we hold dear and think of as personal in our mind may not die with us. It will remain after our physical death because we, homo sapiens have an inner life similar to that of most other members of our tribe. Death does not erase our mental persona, it persists within the Family of Man because we, as a species, are more similar than different. Our perception of sweet and sour, bitter and salty is the same irrespective of race or creed, just as feeling safe and being loved is necessary for us all. By extension, feelings and thoughts dear to one of us are rooted equally in our peers.

It is tempting to see a kinship between the first law of thermodynamics and the realm of the mind: Energy is finite and indestructible and thoughts and feelings certainly represent quantifiable energy( as current brain research has shown). Consequently, nothing is lost in transfer of thoughts and feelings. The net result is a transformation.

The question then arises: Can you transform bad to good energy?… Again, adhering to thermodynamics: One type of energy can most certainly be converted into another: Kinetic to potential energy, electric to thermal, water to electric energy etc etc.

Keeping that in mind as a principle offers hope. Transforming loss to gain, evil to good, hate to love!

The ramifications are countless and most promising .